Bookish Discussion: The Pros and Cons of eBooks vs. Physical Books.

 Bookish Discussion

episode #1 

Hello book besties! 

I have started a new series on my blog called "Bookish discussions" as you might have guessed.In this series,I will be posting a new blog post every month discussing with y'all book related topics.

Today, I want to dive into a topic that has sparked countless debates among readers: eBooks versus physical books. As a bookworm myself, I appreciate both formats, but I must admit, physical books hold a special place in my heart.

 In this blog post, I'll explore the convenience of eBooks while passionately arguing why physical books will always win for me. So, grab a cup of tea, cozy up, and let's dive into this bookish discussion!

Let's get started!

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The Pros of eBooks:

I am going to start first by talking about eBooks.There's no denying the convenience that they offer. With just a few clicks, you can access an entire library right at your fingertips. eBooks are portable, lightweight, and perfect for travel or reading on the go. They also allow for adjustable font sizes, making it easier for those with visual impairments to enjoy the written word. Plus, eBooks often come at a lower price point, making them more accessible to a wider range of readers.


The Cons of eBooks:

While eBooks have their advantages, they do come with a few drawbacks. For starters, reading from a screen can be straining on the eyes, especially during extended reading sessions.They also cause headaches when you spend time reading on them for so long.Additionally, the digital nature of eBooks means that you are dependent on devices with battery life, which can be frustrating if you're in the middle of an engrossing story and your device dies.Most of the time you forget which chapter you were in (like me 👻) and have to search for where you stopped from the beginning of the book. There's also the concern of digital rights management (DRM), which can limit your ability to share or lend eBooks with friends.


 Why Physical Books Will Always Win (for me):

Now, let's talk about physical books. The first thing that comes to mind is that unmistakable smell of ink and paper, which instantly transports me to a world of imagination. The tactile experience of holding a physical book, flipping through its pages, and feeling the weight in your hands is simply irreplaceable. There's a joy in building a personal library, lining shelves with colorful spines,thinking about ways to line them aesthetically to create a visual feast for the eyes. Each physical book becomes a cherished possession, filled with memories and a tangible connection to the stories within.Also does anyone else think that every book has it's own unique smell? tell me in the comments.

Collecting physical books also offers the opportunity for cool discoveries. Browsing through a bookstore or a library,getting to see all the amazing you wanna buy but have no money for,stumbling upon a hidden gem, and adding it to your collection is a thrill that cannot be replicated in the digital realm. And let's not forget switching books with  friends (if i'm not feeling possesive over my books at the time😂). Sharing stories and recommendations, and discussing them together.


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In this ongoing debate between eBooks and physical books, I firmly stand on the side of physical books. While eBooks provide convenience and accessibility, they cannot replicate the sensory experience and emotional connection that physical books offer. The smell, the look, and the joy of collecting books make them a treasure worth cherishing.

However, it's important to remember that reading is a personal experience, and everyone has their own preferences. Whether you lean towards eBooks or physical books, what matters most is the love for reading and the stories that transport us to different worlds.

So, book besties, let's celebrate our shared passion for reading, regardless of the format we choose.

Also,I really enjoyed discussing today's topic.What did you think of it? Should I continue doing it? Let me know. 

QOTD:Are you team ebooks or physical books?


Happy Reading!





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