Defy The night Trilogy by Brigit Kemmerer review:Mariam's Bookcafe

 Defy The night Trilogy

Author: Brigit Kemmerer

Genre: romantasy
Audience: YA

Synopsis of first book:

The kingdom of Kandala is on the brink of disaster. Rifts between sectors have only worsened since a sickness began ravaging the land, and within the Royal Palace, the king holds a tenuous peace with a ruthless hand.

King Harristan was thrust into power after his parents' shocking assassination, leaving the younger Prince Corrick to take on the brutal role of the King's Justice. The brothers have learned to react mercilessly to any sign of rebellion--it's the only way to maintain order when the sickness can strike anywhere, and the only known cure, an elixir made from delicate Moonflower petals, is severely limited.

Out in the Wilds, apothecary apprentice Tessa Cade is tired of seeing her neighbors die, their suffering ignored by the unyielding royals. Every night, she and her best friend Wes risk their lives to steal Moonflower petals and distribute the elixir to those who need it most--but it's still not enough.

As rumors spread that the cure no longer works and sparks of rebellion begin to flare, a particularly cruel act from the King's Justice makes Tessa desperate enough to try the impossible: sneaking into the palace. But what she finds upon her arrival makes her wonder if it's even possible to fix Kandala without destroying it first.




"Her complaining to her best friend about the prince,while the prince was secretly her bestfriend".This quote is what attracted me to the Defy the night trilogy by Brigit kemmerer.

The story kicks off with two masked friends, Tessa and Wes, embarking on a mission to steal moonflower to create medicine for the sick and poor. Little did they know, this act of rebellion would completely shake up their lives in ways they never imagined. 

One of the things that really drew me in was the chemistry between Tessa and Corrick. Their dynamic was just so incredibly cute and adorable, I couldn't help but root for them. And let's not forget about Corrick's friend, Quint. At first, I found myself quite fond of him, but as the story unfolded in the subsequent books, my feelings towards him took a drastic turn. 

The plot is an absolute whirlwind of excitement and fun. It's jam-packed with action and unexpected twists that had me on the edge of my seat. The first two books had me completely hooked, but then came the third book and oh boy, did it throw me for a loop. I have to admit, I was left feeling a bit disappointed, and it definitely played a part in my newfound disdain for Quint. But hey, that's just my take on it.

Overall, I'd say this trilogy is definitely worth checking out. It's a fun and thrilling read that'll keep you entertained from start to finish. So if you're in the mood for a captivating adventure with a dash of romance and plenty of surprises, give Defy the Night a go.



This was my review on this trilogy hope u enjoyed it.

happy reading,



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